Staty Kde Je Legalizovana Marihuana

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Contrary to popular belief, marijuana is not legal in the Netherlands, only decriminalized. The possession, sale or manufacture of drugs – soft and hard – is illegal in the Netherlands. However, as part of the Dutch tolerance policy, it is allowed to sell marijuana under certain conditions in certain cafes, called cafes. A coffee shop is a store where cannabis is sold, but alcoholic beverages are not sold or consumed. Neither these coffee shops nor the public will be prosecuted for possession of up to 5g of cannabis. Medical marijuana operates in an equally vague sphere and is liší among the region. The country does not have a national legal medical marijuana program. New York also regulates where marijuana can be smoked. There is a simple rule: If tobacco products can be smoked there, cannabis can be smoked there, said Senator Liz Krueger, a senator who co-authored the bill. As with tobacco products, it is up to the landlord to prohibit or allow smoking in their apartment. United státy se nevyhnutelně blíží k celkové legalizaci marijuana a konopných produktů i na federálí úrovni. General legalization is a matter of time. Důkazem toho je také to, že před nedávnem president Joe Biden udělil amnestii thousandům uvězněných osob, jenž byly odsouzeny za holding marijuana.

Více o této amnestii si můžete přečíst ZDE. Recreational marijuana is not legal in Norway, but possession of less than 15 grams is usually punishable by a fine. Also in 2017, the country voted to decriminalize drug use. Doctors are legally allowed to approve medical treatment with marijuana. Recreational and medical cannabis is illegal in Ukraine. According to Ukraine`s drug law, possession of a small amount for personal use is a criminal offense, usually punishable by a fine. The land allows the cultivation of up to 10 industrial hemp plants. In April 2019, President Volodyi Zelensky declared medical marijuana “normal” and supported limited legalization.

Like Australia, Denmark is doing the same. Although marijuana is illegal in the country, there is a kind of autonomous region Christiania in the capital Copenhagen with about 900 inhabitants, where completely different rules apply. For many years, marijuana was traded there without fear, and anyone who took a liking to it would ignite everywhere. Today, the rules are stricter and sometimes the police come to this “free city”, but many people still travel with a destination in mind. Recreational marijuana is illegal in Iceland, although a bill introduced in Parliament in 2019 by a Pirate Party MP would decriminalize the purchase or possession of drugs if they are for personal use. Iceland allows the importation of CBD for personal use, and the drug Sativex can be obtained in the country with a prescription. Where is legal marijuana? This question has certainly been asked by many of us, which is why we have focused on the list of countries in Europe. We`ll take a closer look at more than 40 countries and their legal status when it comes to medical and recreational marijuana. Drug use is not considered a criminal offence in Moldova. Simple possession of marijuana in small amounts for normal use is punishable by a fine or community service. Medical marijuana is illegal and Moldova does not yet have such a legal program. Medical marijuana was legalized in Finland in 2008.

Recreational cannabis is still illegal in the country, although the user often only receives a fine for possession. Medical cannabis has been legal in the Netherlands since 2003 and the country is the main producer of medical marijuana. Recreational marijuana occupies a legal gray area in the country. Although the Netherlands is known for its coffee weed shops, marijuana is actually illegal in the country, but is mostly tolerated, as is the sale in coffee shops. Legalizace nebo dekriminalizace také does not mean deregulaci. Dokonce i v zemích, kde marijuana legální pro rekreační a léčebné použití, je prodej této látky přísně regulován a za legální se považuje pouze konopí zakoupené v authorized obchodch. This was a list of states where marijuana is legal. For each country, several articles could be written about how cannabis is perceived by local society, but we will leave that to other articles dedicated to the legalization of cannabis around the world.

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